Have you ever wondered why you occasionally see a fire engine at the grocery store? Have you ever been curious about why a fire engine is driving fast with lights and sirens blaring? Have you ever thought about why firefighters sleep at the fire station? These are all great questions, and you can get the answer to those and more questions about the fire service on January 23rd.
We have the privilege of attending the Florence Center's "Meet Your Local First Responders" event on January 23rd from 10:00AM until 7:00PM! We are working diligently to have the best setup we can, with our ladder truck and several other apparatus on display for you to learn about and enjoy. Our plan is to have a technical rescue scenario setup as well as other equipment on display to educate you on the many different types of calls we respond to. The arena will be full of different agencies that serve our community. This is going to be an event you don't want to miss. It is free to public, so come on out and meet the men and women who serve and protect Florence and greater Pee Dee area. We are looking forward to seeing you there! For more information about the event please click here.
The Florence Center
3300 West Radio Drive
Florence, SC 29501
January 23, 2021
10:00am - 7:00pm